Electra: A Gender Sensitive Study of Plays Based on the Myth – Reviewed by: Christina Avina, Hollywood Book Reviews


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Electra: A Gender Sensitive Study of Plays Based on the Myth

Dr. Batya Casper

Reviewed by: Christina Avina, Hollywood Book Reviews

One of the more fascinating aspects of history comes from the impact it has on our modern world. While much of our study in this regard has always come from the near past (from the sixteenth century to the 20th century respectfully), the impact of ancient cultures and empires also helps to illustrate how far we’ve come, and yet how often we are doomed to repeat past mistakes in a more updated setting. This concept can pertain to our literature and arts as well, as many authors and writers can find inspiration and even touch upon themes dreamt of thousands of years ago.

In author Dr. Batya Casper’s Electra: A Gender Sensitive Study of Plays Based on the Myth: Final Edition, the author explores the inspiration and impact that the Greek myth of Electra has had on popular authors and culture as a whole thousands of years after its inception. Through studies of the works of Shakespeare, T.S. Eliot, Oscar Wilde and more, the author touches upon the psychology and emotional impacts that culture, history, and mythology can have on more modern works of art.

The author did a truly phenomenal job of capturing the historical and psychological importance of one of the Greek classic tragedies which has withstood the test of time thanks to the multitude of other author’s works. The attention to detail the author pays the history and mythology behind the story of Electra, from its creation by Euripides to the thematic story elements within the original play and how these themes have become the basis for some of our favorite authors and playwrights most inspiring creations, showcases the depth of impact this tragedy has had on human culture as a whole.

This is the perfect read for those who enjoy non-fiction studies of fictional stories, including but not limited to history, culture, mythology, tragedies, and writing as a whole. The themes the author explores within both the original tragedy and the subsequent works that came later were so impactful, from logic versus instinct to how the concepts of freedom versus repression truly works.

Thought-provoking, engaging, and captivating, author Dr. Batya Casper’s Electra: A Gender Sensitive Study of Plays Based on the Myth: Final Edition is a must-read and impactful study of literature and culture in regards to the Greek tragedies, in particular that of Euripides Electra. The sheer volume of culture and history on some of our world’s most profound and moving literature and arts is astounding to behold, and the author’s meticulous study of this topic shows in the valuable information and details that are explored, which will keep readers invested and engaged throughout the entirety of the book.


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